Photo Galleries and other musings


Search for the Lost Railway Engine - the answers

Welcome to the answers to Search for the Lost Railway Engine. For those of you who remember, Search for the Lost Railway Engine was first published in 1989 and was a treasure-hunting book with several riddles to be solved. The closing date for entries was in June 1992 and no completely correct answers were received. I still receive correspondence asking for answers so have published these pages to satisfy the curious. As pointed out to everyone, there is no longer a competition and no prize but if you really want to keep looking for the engine then DO NOT ENTER THIS SITE FURTHER for the answers are here! When Steve and I wrote Search for the Lost Railway Engine we were full of hopes for the future. Steve always wanted fame and fortune - well the fame more than the fortune if the truth were told. We certainly didn't make any fortune out of the book but we had a lot of fun with it and had our "fifteen minutes of fame" in both the press and on local radio stations. Steve loved every minute of it. Sadly, he died at the end of January 1994 - at 44 he was cheated of the long life he deserved. I am certain he would have wanted me to "do something" about the book so this is my chance to let people know the answers. Anyone who enjoyed the book is invited to make a donation direct to: 1. the Intensive Care Unit at Weston super Mare General Hospital, Grange Road, Uphill, Weston super Mare, Somerset, England - it would be much appreciated. (Cheques should be made payable to the Weston Area Health Trust and your letter should make it clear that the donation is for Intensive Care - thank you). OR 2. to Barton Camp (The Bristol Children’s Help Society) - go to: and follow the donation link The puzzle apparently caused more than a few sleepless nights for those who attempted to solve it so I now welcome you to the answers. If they seem crazy to you or if you don't understand them, please don't lay all the blame at my feet. They were mostly the workings of Steve's mind and I cannot be held responsible! Where a clue is linked with a place, product, factory etc. the facts were correct in 1989 - I cannot confirm that the same is true today. The gold engine has been donated by the publishers to The British Heart Foundation for them to auction for their funds. TO ACCESS THE ANSWERS, CLICK THE LINK BELOW.

Photo Galleries and other musings


Search for the Lost Railway Engine

- the answers

Welcome to the answers to Search for the Lost Railway Engine. For those of you who remember, Search for the Lost Railway Engine was first published in 1989 and was a treasure-hunting book with several riddles to be solved. The closing date for entries was in June 1992 and no completely correct answers were received. I still receive correspondence asking for answers so have published these pages to satisfy the curious. As pointed out to everyone, there is no longer a competition and no prize but if you really want to keep looking for the engine then DO NOT ENTER THIS SITE FURTHER for the answers are here! When Steve and I wrote Search for the Lost Railway Engine we were full of hopes for the future. Steve always wanted fame and fortune - well the fame more than the fortune if the truth were told. We certainly didn't make any fortune out of the book but we had a lot of fun with it and had our "fifteen minutes of fame" in both the press and on local radio stations. Steve loved every minute of it. Sadly, he died at the end of January 1994 - at 44 he was cheated of the long life he deserved. I am certain he would have wanted me to "do something" about the book so this is my chance to let people know the answers. Anyone who enjoyed the book is invited to make a donation direct to: 1. the Intensive Care Unit at Weston super Mare General Hospital, Grange Road, Uphill, Weston super Mare, Somerset, England - it would be much appreciated. (Cheques should be made payable to the Weston Area Health Trust and your letter should make it clear that the donation is for Intensive Care - thank you). OR 2. to Barton Camp (The Bristol Children’s Help Society) - go to: and follow the donation link The puzzle apparently caused more than a few sleepless nights for those who attempted to solve it so I now welcome you to the answers. If they seem crazy to you or if you don't understand them, please don't lay all the blame at my feet. They were mostly the workings of Steve's mind and I cannot be held responsible! Where a clue is linked with a place, product, factory etc. the facts were correct in 1989 - I cannot confirm that the same is true today. The gold engine has been donated by the publishers to The British Heart Foundation for them to auction for their funds. TO ACCESS THE ANSWERS, CLICK THE LINK BELOW.